HTML In Google Sites

All web sites are programmed in the HTML language. Some web sites, like Google Sites, have the HTML code produced for you when you make the page. If you use your browser's ability to view the page source of a web page that it is displaying, you will see the HTML code. You can program your own web pages in HTML, but learning to do that is another module that you may have assigned to you in the course - we won't learn HTML in depth now. While you are learning about the Internet and Google Sites, we will let Google Sites generate most of the HTML code, but you will put some HTML tags in yourself so that you can get some idea of how web pages are coded.

HTML uses "tags" embedded in text to format web pages. Consider this HTML code:
      This project discusses the impact of <strong> email </strong>. <a href=>Merriam Webster Dictionary defines email </a>
      (short for electronic mail) as <em> messages that are sent electronically from one computer to another </em> 
      (although email can be sent and received using other devices, such as smartphones). Email must adhere to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
      One to ManyThe purpose of email is to provide electronic asynchronous communication from one sender to one or more recipients. Asynchronous means that the
      sender and recipient(s) do not have be online concurrently for the communication to occur.
Most of it is just text that the programmer wants displayed on the web page. There are HTML tags in the text that are in angle brackets < > signs. In the passage the text email appears between the HTML tag for bold: <strong>, which starts the text being bold, and <\strong>, which stops the text from being bold. Similarly the text messages that are sent electronically from one computer to another appears between the HTML tags for italics <em> and </em> (short for emphasis) to make it italics.

The HTML code
	  <a href=>Merriam Webster Dictionary defines email </a>
makes the text Merriam Webster Dictionary defines email be a hyperlink to the Merriam Webster website whose URL appears in the first part of that HTML tag. If you want to put a link in, first type <a href= then paste in the full URL of the web site that you want the link to go to (e.g., then put the > sign, then put the text that you want showing on the page for the link (e.g. >Merriam Webster Dictionary defines email), then put the closing </a> tag.

To put HTML code into a Google Site, use the insert Embed tool in Google Sites. It will bring up a pop-up box. Choose "Embed Code" on that pop-up box. You can now type in your paragraph or two of text with HTML tags. This is shown here: