Data Identification And Collection

In this assignment you will use the skills learned from the lectures on Google Searching, Google Analytics, and Google Search Trends, and Google Forms to do data identification and collection. Place all answers and screenshots in a Google Document. The steps below will tell you what to put in the assignment document. Put the question number from the assignment leading all entries in the assignment document.

Part 1: Data Collection - Google Search Engine

Use Google's Advanced Search Page to find data and sources relevant to your project topic on exploring the impact of a computing innovation. Use at least two of the advanced criteria for each search. The yielded advanced search string will appear in the search box on the results page.

Place in your assignment document (label with A-F as listed here) The URL of the result you picked, AND the Google search string yielded from the advanced search (copied from the search box and pasted into your document) and a screenshot showing the search string and results page (show at least the first 3 results) - do this for each of the 6 searches described below:
Place in your assign document: G. In your document describe in your own words the data on which Google Search works and how that data was collected.

Part 2: Data Collection - Google Analytics

Follow these instructions to add Google Analytics to the Google Site that you created in a previous assignment.

Place in your assignment document:
  1. A screenshot of the Google Analytics dashboard showing at least 1 active visitor (using the Real-Time feature).

  2. The URL of your main Google Site

  3. Explain in a few sentences where does Google Analytics get its data from?

Part 3: Data Collection - Google Forms Survey

Use Google Forms to take a survey of at least 20 people, asking about the impact of computing as it relates to your project topic. Place in your assignment document:
  1. The URL of your Google Sites page with your survey embedded.

*Part 4: Data Visualization and Analysis - Google Search Trends

When you post information to a social network, watch a video online, or simply search for information on a search engine, some of that data is collected, and you reveal what topics are currently on your mind. When a topic is quickly growing in popularity, it is often said to be trending, but there are many different trends or patterns we might find in this data, including historical trends. These patterns might help us to identify, understand, and predict how our world is changing.

You will be using Google Trends , which is a tool that allows you to visualize data about search history across different times and locations. You will be looking for interesting patterns, trends, or relationships between multiple trends and try to tell the story that pattern is showing. For instance, this figure shows comparing the search trends for streaming, mp3, and cd. Screenshot of Google Trends

In your own words answer these questions in your assignment document:

  1. Where does Google Trends data come from?
  2. How is Google Trends data adjusted? What does a value of 100 mean?
Using your course project topic as a search term (or several related to your topic), look for: Answer these questions in your assignment document:
  1. Describe what terms you compared and whether you narrowed your search by using filters.
  2. Paste in screen shots of the charts and visualizations supplied by Google Trends for the terms you just searched. Accurately describe what the charts or other visualizations are showing.
  3. Come up with a possible story or explanation of why the trend you described might have happened.

Part 5: Data Visualization And Analysis - Google Analytics

For this question, you will be using this sample Google Analytics report (PDF).

Watch the videos in this weeks lesson to help answer the questions below. In addition to watching the videos, you are encouraged to perform web searches to help answer the questions, just be sure to use your own words to demonstrate understanding - do not copy and paste.
    Google Analytics provides many ways to visualize the data that you described in Part 2 above. Below are some visualizations.
  1. Audience:
    1. Discuss how the company could use the location data gathered from the report to affect the design of its website. Provide an example.

  2. Content Tracking:
    1. In the sample report, what percentage of the page visits went to:
      1. The main page (called index.php)
      2. The photos page
      3. The students page
      4. The events page
      5. The alumni page
    2. Discuss how the company could use content tracking data to affect the design of its website. Provide an example.

  3. Traffic Sources:
    1. List the search traffic keyword values from the sample report.
    2. Discuss how the company could use the search traffic keyword data to affect the design of its website. Provide an example.

* Wording, concepts, and materials for parts of this assignment marked with * were taken from educational material provided by under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License> .