Data and File Formats

Part 1: Creating Data Files

  1. Learn Windows/MAC OS X: If you already know how to use one or more of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, MAC OS X Tiger, Snow Leopard, or Lion then you can skip to Step 2. Otherwise, make an appointment with a CSC101 Staff member to go over Windows or Mac Basics.

  2. Learn EMail: If you know how to use Google's gmail, then skip to Step 3. Otherwise, use this tutorial to learn how to use your gmail account (you will need it for this course).

  3. Create a document: Use Google Docs to create a document and type the following questions and your answers.
    1. Your name?
    2. Your major?
    3. Your Email address?
    4. Your hometown?
    5. Your reason for taking this course?
    6. Do you plan on joining any clubs or organizations? Which?
    7. What are your interests?

  4. Rename: Rename your file in Google Docs by choosing File >> Rename. Call the document "MyInfo". When you download the file (as done in the following steps) your file will automatically be given a filename, otherwise your downloaded document will be called "untitled document".

  5. Create a PDF Document: From the Google Docs File menu, select the "Download As" option and choose the "PDF" format. After saving the file as a PDF to your computer, the file should be named "MyInfo.pdf". Again, you may not have the option of choosing the location you want to download the file to. Depending on your computer preferences, your file may automatically be downloaded to your Downloads folder, Desktop, My Documents, etc. Keep Google Documents open!

  6. Create a Text Document: With your MyInfo document still open in Google Docs, use the Google Docs File menu to re-save your document as a text file. Select the "Download As" option and choose the "Text" format. After saving it to your computer, the file should be named "MyInfo.txt". Keep Google Documents open!

  7. Create a Word Document: Keep your Google Documents open and use the File menu to re-save this file. Select the "Download As" option and choose the "Word" format. After saving it to your computer, the file should be named "MyInfo.docx".

  8. Create a .zip Folder: Create a compressed .zip folder from your "MyInfo.pdf" file, a second one from your "MyInfo.txt" file, and a third from your "MyInfo.docx" file (that is, create three compressed (.zip) folders). Instructions for zipping a file/folder in Windows are here . Instructions for zipping a file/folder on a Mac are here Call the compressed pdf file "", call the compressed text file "", and call the compressed doc file "".

Part 2: Examining Digital Data

Create a new Google Doc file called "lastname_data_answers" and record your answers to the following questions in the document.
  1. File Signatures. Use to answer the following questions:
    1. What is the file signature of MyInfo.docx? Provide a screenshot.
    2. What is the file signature of MyInfo.txt? Provide a screenshot.
    3. What is the file signature of MyInfo.pdf? Provide a screenshot.

  2. File Meta Data. Download this sample.doc file and use to answer the following questions:
    1. In a few sentences, describe what meta data is.
    2. Who created sample.doc? Provide a screenshot.
    3. How many characters does sample.doc contain? Provide a screenshot.
    4. What is the creation date and time of sample.doc? Provide a screenshot.
    5. What happens when you try to extract meta data from a .txt file?

  3. File Sizes: Follow the instructions on the Sakai site's FAQ page to determine the number of bytes (not kilobytes (KB)) of each of the following files:
    In your "lastname_data_answers" document, record the respective file name and file sizes in bytes. Also include a sentence or two answering each of the following four questions. The readings and lectures associated with this assignment should help you answer the "Why?" part of each question.

    1. Which file is larger (in bytes), MyInfo.docx or MyInfo.txt? Why?
    2. Which file is larger (in bytes), MyInfo.pdf or Why?

    Part 3: Computing With Digital Data

    Convert your initials (e.g. VF) into ASCII binary, decimal, and hexidecimal. In your document under Part 3 add these headings, show your work, and explain what you did.
    1. Find The Information.. What are the two ASCII bytes for your two initials? How did you find this?
    2. Make A Plan To Solve The Problem. How will you convert binary to decimal and binary to hex? (hint, the video lectures describe how to do this such as writing the powers of 2 under the bits of a byte).
    3. Perform The Calculation. . Show your initials as decimal numbers and as hexadecimal numbers. Use the Google Docs Equation Editor to show your calculations.
    4. Check Your Answers For Accuracy. . Find an online tool that automates the above conversions, check your answers, and provide a screen shot showing the tool confirming your answers.
    5. Explain The Steps Taken.. Use the terminology in the readings and video lectures to explain each of the steps taken in the calculations.
    6. Ariculate The Solution. . Use the terminology in the readings and video lectures to explain each of the representations: ASCII binary, decimal, and hexadecimal.
    There are 5 points in the rubric for presenting the problem and solution in an organized, clear, and concise manner.

    Once you have recorded the file sizes and answered the questions, download the file as PDF (i.e. lastname_data_answers.pdf)